IRENE NGABIRANOSkills Developments Facility Project Officer Uganda Chamber of Mines and Petroleum Irene is a trained business manager, Research and Development Officer, skilled Administration manager, With extensive skill in Event Management and coordination, Critical Analysts, Writer, Certified BID and Project Manager, Extensive Resource Mobilization skills, Children’s rights Champion, with good interpersonal skills, self-driven, good leadership…

LIONEL TAKEM NKWANYANG (Ph.D)Lecturer Department of Geology Mining and Environmental Sciences University of Bamenda, Cameroon Geosavers Before Founding Geosavers in 2014, Dr. Nkwnayang worked for Euroil Limited between 2010 and 2011 during the Bomono 2D exploration. He has more than 8 years of experience within the solid and liquid mineral industry. He has attended several…

SOKHNA SECK DIOPESenior Engineering Geologist Bassari Resources and Makabingui Gold Operations Senior Engineering Geologist with +10 years’ experience mainly in gold exploration and mining with Bassari Resources and Makabingui Gold Operations. She is strongly involved in multiple Exploration programs. She has contributed significantly in the discovery of the Makabingui Gold Deposit (Kedougou, Senegal). She has…

EDITH ENYONAM ACHEAMPONGSenior Programmes Officer Environmental Protection Agency Edith is a Senior Programmes Officer with the Environmental Protection Agency, where she has built a credible track record working on a number of high profile projects in energy and natural resources. Over the last decade, she has developed a deep understanding of the diverse arms of…

TANYENOH JLATEHGIS Specialist Mining Cadaster Information Management Unit, Ministry of Mines and Energy I am Miss Tanyenoh Jlateh, Geologist by profession. I was born February 12, 1988 with two beautiful kids and a Liberian by nationality. I have been working with the Government of Liberia since 2010 up to present. I currently serve as the GIS…

YUSUF DAUDA SUMALarge Scale Mining and Compliance Manager National Minerals Agency (NMA) Yusuf Dauda Suma is a qualified mining engineer with extensive experience both in mining and construction works. He completed a Masters degree programme in Mining Engineering from the University of Mines and Technology in Tarkwa, Ghana and a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering…

FATIMA IBRAHIM MAIKOREPrincipal Geologist Ministry of Mines and Steel Development Fatima Ibrahim Maikore, was appointed in the Ministry of Mines and Steel Development in 2012 as a Geologist. She was posted to Artisanal and Small Scale Mining Department and her schedule was carrying out baseline studies on mining issues such as use of mercury, environment,…

SAM RYUMUGABESuperintendent – Environmental and Community Piran Resources Limited A Soil and Environmental Scientist by training, Sam has nearly 10 years of experience working in and around the resources industry. Various roles in industry, government and civil society organizations have taken him to mining regions and operations around Australia, South Africa, Ghana, Mozambique, Uganda and…

MDUDUZI (“MDU”) MAMKELILegal Principal, Attorney of the High Court of South Africa Anglo American and De Beers Group Professional Membership: i) Advisory Council Member: World Association of Mining Lawyers ii) Member: Corporate Counsel Association of South Africa Mdu Mamkeli is a regulatory mining lawyer with strong commercial, projects, litigation and environmental experience. He is employed…

GUESWINDÉ SAMUEL DJIGUEMDEEngineer Geologist, Head of Geological Department of BUMIGEB (National Geological Survey of Burkina Faso) Geologist, Gueswinde Samuel is a specialist in mining research since 2010. Indeed he has over ten (10) years of geological experiences, and he participated in several programs of geological, mining, hydrogeological and environmental researches throughout Burkina Faso. Also he…