Celebrating Exceptional Individuals who have made Extraordinary contribution to Mining in Africa.
The African Mining Hall of Fame recognizes outstanding achievement in the mining industry, celebrates individual leadership and aims to inspire future generations in mining.
Mining is a global industry and Africa has approximately 30 percent of the earth’s known mineral resources fuelling the green, high tech and urban 21st century economy. Conceptualized in 2013, the Africa Mining Hall of Fame was established in 2021 to become an enduring source of information that shares the significant contributions of individuals who shaped the continent’s contribution to the global mining industry.
The African Mining Hall of Fame recognizes outstanding achievements in Africa’s natural resource space, and celebrates individual leadership that has helped a sustainable, global mineral development value chain in a way that inspires the future generations in the industry.
Our Mission is researching, identifying, inducting and celebrating extraordinary achievements in the mining space in Africa.
Our Vision is to highlight the extraordinary achievements in the mining space by Africans and engineer them for emulation.

AMHOF Honorary Patrons and Advisory Board Members are honorary appointees in the category of Kings, Queens, Heads of State, and Big Donors who support our cause.
AMHOF International Board of Trustees: The administration of the AMHOF is entrusted currently to a 20/54 – member International Board of Trustees from various countries in Africa and are referred to as Country Representatives for now. The Board operates under a TRUST DEED registered in Accra, Ghana.
AMHOF Secretariat at the School of Mine and Built Environment at the Kenyasi Campus of the University of Energy and Natural Resources is managed by an Executive Council established in accordance with the Trust Laws of Ghana which executes the mandate of the International Board.
AMHOF Executive Council: It is the Executive Council which directly supervises the management and operations of the Africa Mining Hall of Fame museums and facilities.