Engineer Geologist, Head of Geological Department of BUMIGEB
(National Geological Survey of Burkina Faso)
(National Geological Survey of Burkina Faso)
Geologist, Gueswinde Samuel is a specialist in mining research since 2010. Indeed he has over ten (10) years of geological experiences, and he participated in several programs of geological, mining, hydrogeological and environmental researches throughout Burkina Faso. Also he was the head of the geological department of BUMIGEB from 2012 to March 2015. Samuel was the Director of the geological and mining research of BUMIGEB from March 2015 to janiary 2017. Besides, administrative burdens related to the management of this Direction that is the lung of BUMIGEB, Mr DJIGUEMDE is the leader of Uranium research project in which he coordinates and oversees the project teams.